Usability testing is the practice of testing how easy design is to use on a group of representative users. It usually involves observing users as they attempt to complete tasks and can be done for different types of designs, from user interfaces to physical products. It is often conducted repeatedly, from early development until a product’s release. This testing mainly focuses on the users’ efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction in use of the product. People also associate Learnability and Memorability with usability.
The main benefit and purpose of usability testing is to identify usage problems with a design as early as possible, so they can be fixed before the design is implemented or mass produced. Therefore, usability testing is often conducted on prototypes in addition to finished products. The prototypes used for usability testing can be with different levels of fidelity (i.e., detail and finish) depending on the product development phase.
Benefits of Usability Testing
Usability Testing of prototypes allows the design and development teams identify usage problems before they are coded. The earlier the Usability problems are identified and fixed, the less expensive the fixes will be in terms of both effort and possible impact on the schedule. During a usability test, you will:
How is Usability Testing done?
Usability testing can be used in a variety of ways during your product development lifecycle including post-launch. Despite not being able to mimic real life usage of a random website visitor or app user, usability testing is still the best method of ensuring your website supports users in achieving their goals quickly and easily. When businesses meet the needs and expectations of their users, they are more likely to develop a successful product.