Online and In-person Research for online grocery business

User Research | Online Usability Testing | In-depth User research | User Panel


The leading Online grocery platform in Singapore


Respondent Recruitment, Moderated User Research, Unmoderated User Research

Client Goal

Generative and Evaluative, User Research around a new, User facing feature

“UXArmy team went ahead and supported the client in the creation of interactive prototypes for user testing in order to meet the User Research results deadline”


RedMart is leading online grocery provider in Singapore and well recognised for offering superior Digital User Experience.

Client was launching a new feature to amend the Orders customers place. Before making significant investment to build supporting sub-features, the UX team at the client side was tasked to evaluate the first variation of the feature. In addition, the team was expected to research the priority of other sub-features.

Evaluation of whether the feature itself would make sense to existing customers was just one of the goals of this User Research exercise.

Services used by client:

  • User research
  • Online User Testing Platform

How did UXArmy do it?

After getting the brief for User Research, UXArmy prepared a Test plan to meet the goals of this user study. Three User Tests were proposed, one online User testing to get quick user feedback on the new feature remotely to help refine the goals for the In-depth Interviews (IDIs). After conducting the IDIs we expected to triangulate the findings with another followup Online user test.

Based on the results of the first Unmoderated Online User test, the goals of the in-depth user study were refined. UXArmy arranged a neutral venue for user research and recruited respondents matching the target profile. IDIs were conducted by UXArmy User researcher over a period of three days. Each user tested the Desktop or the iPhone App of RedMart depending upon their preference of use.

Client observed the interview sessions. Towards the end of each session, client’s representatives asked questions to the respondents. De-briefing was done in-between each interview session.

After the research findings from the IDIs were shared and discussed with Client, Design recommendations were provided by UXArmy. These recommendations were implemented in an interactive prototype as Design options. These prototypes were shared with UXArmy User Panel members in Singapore to get preference between the two options.

A combined research report of the User Research project was prepared by UXArmy and shared with the Client.

The Result

  • Client was able to decide on re-design of the feature
  • Findings were used to further inform the Priority of sub-features
  • Some general findings were useful to further improve the website and mobile app

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